At the time of submission, the following files should be supplied.
Instructions for authors
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you carefully read and adhere to all the guidelines and instructions to authors provided below. Manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be returned.
1. Submissions to the journal should be submitted online at:
Full instructions and support are available on the site and a user ID and password can be obtained on the first visit. Support can be contacted by phone (98 31 37933194). If you could not access to the website please send by email in the following address:
2. Types of submission
The journal publishes
1) Papers reporting results of original fundamental research, 2) Review articles from authorized persons, 3) Case reports, and 4)Technical Innovations.
3. One copy of the manuscript should be submitted (in print-out by mail, OR, preferably, by e-mail attachment) and should be single-spaced throughout (including notes and references). All pages should be numbered serially. Please use 12 pt Times New Roman type letters and avoid boldface type, except in the title and subdivisions of the text.
4. The contributor’s full name (given name, surname) should appear after the title in bold, followed by the affiliation (University), full address for correspondence and e-mail address.
5. An extended abstract of about 300-700 words must be submitted, in English, with a translated version in Persian. If the native language of the contributor is not Persian, a Persian version will be provided by the Editors.
The extended abstract should contain the following sections
Extended abstract:
a) Introduction
b) Theoretical bases
c) Discussion
d) Conclusion
e) Suggestions
f) Key words
g) References
6. Keywords please list up to five keywords, avoiding general and multiple concepts. The keywords are important for indexing purposes, and should therefore be as accurate as possible.
7. Acknowledgements (in any) should be present denuder a separate heading at the end of the article, before the references. Do not, therefore, include them on the title page, as a foot- or endnote or otherwise.
9. Figures and diagrams should be included in the text in the position where they are to appear. It is the authors’ responsibility to present figures and diagrams that do not exceed the margin sand are reproducible.
10. References
Please adhere to APA (Publication Manual of The American Psychological Association. 6th ed., 2009). For frequently asked questions about APA style, consult the APA Web Site .
− Single author: Hamidi (2010)
− Two authors: Hamidi and Nzari (1996)
− Three or more authors: Hamidi et al. (2012)
Reference List − Reference to a book
Each reference should include four elements:
(1) Author/Editor/Producer (2) Date (3)Title of the work and (4) Publication Information.
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Title of the work. Place name: Publisher.
− Electronic books
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Title of the work. Retrieved from http://...
− Chapter in a book:
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Chapter title. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Place name: Publisher.
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Chapter title. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Retrieved from http://...
− Article in a journal:
Each reference should include following elements: (1) Author (2) Date (3) Title of article (4) Title of Journal (5) Volume, Issue and Page numbers.
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Article title. Title of journal, x(x),pp-pp
− A journal article available online
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Article title. Title of Journal, x(x),pp-pp. Retrieved from http://...
− Unpublished theses and dissertations:
Author, A. (Year). Thesis Title. Thesis. Department, University.
11. Reviewing and Evaluating: Journal of spatial planning is a peer-reviewed journal. The articles which are received are sent to three members of the editorial advisory board to be blind reviewed. If the reports of two of there frees are positive the paper is accepted.